Intelligent, Autonomous Mobile Robots and Robot Kits for
Education, Hobby, Entertainment, Commercial 




is a manufacturer of Autonomous Mobile Robots, Robot Kits, microcontroller
kits and robot accessories, as well as educational materials related to
science and robotics. Our robots and microcontrollers provide students and researchers with
valuable hands-on experience in programming and engineering concepts. There
are numerous universities which base classes on our various products.
We are currently developing classroom curricula for middle school, high
school, and college students based on several of our platforms. If you are an educator,
ask our distributors about the Education Program that earns teachers
and professors free product credit based on student and institutional
If you are a part of a robot club or society, ask our distributors about
the Robot Club Program that earns the club free product credit based
on member purchases.

If you are interested in distributing Mekatronix products, you may
e-mail: varpsyanderson (no spaces or periods) at the mekatronix.com
website address.
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