Intelligent, Autonomous Mobile Robots and Robot Kits for
Education, Hobby, Entertainment, Commercial
316 NW 17th Street, Suite A, Gainesville, FL 32603
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Mekatronix Education Packages
Mekatronix Education Kits are intended for teachers, educators, university and advanced high school students, hobbyists, researchers and anyone else interested in advancing the field of robotics and advanced technology. These packages are available for all MekatronixTM robots and include materials upon which teachers and professors can develop coursework for introductory and advanced robotics units. The education manuals are written for teachers and students at the high school and university level, as well as hobbyists and anyone else interested in robotics and technology.
Each kit includes the following:
- Tutorial Manual with suggested experiments and activities.
- Collection of sample programs including source code.
- Source code for library routines.
TJ Pro Education Package |
There are 2 versions of the TJ Pro Education Package, one for use with ICC11 and one for use in the IC development environment. This package makes it easier for beginners and advanced users alike to program and use TJ ProTM. It includes the following:
- Educational manual on robot control and programming. Combines theory with real TJ Pro applications. This manual includes experiments for the user to perform to learn about the robot.
- Programs illustrating motor control, sensor control, and experiments for each system of the robot. This is essentially a tour of the operation of the TJ Pro to introduce you to all its features.
- Application software for the robot systems and testing. These programs allow you to tie together all the systems you've learned about in the experimental part of the manual.
Robobug Education Package |
The Robobug Education Package has finally been released. This package makes it easier for beginners and advanced users alike to program and use RobobugTM. It includes the following:
- Educational manual on hexapod walking. Combines theory with real Robobug
applications. Describes gait patterns, metachronal walking, tripod gaits and how to implement them on Robobug.
- Thirty-nine (39) Robobug programs illustrating leg motion and control, step cycles, poses, marching-in-place, and insect gaits. Numerous exercises and experiments coupled with the programs.
- Updated Robobug library files including support for Argos Pan-Tilt head and sensor enhancements.
TJ Education Package |
The TJ Education Package is designed for use with the ICC11 development environment. This package makes it easier for beginners and advanced users alike to program and use TJTM. It includes the following:
- Educational manual on robot control and programming. Combines theory with real TJ applications as well as experiments for the user to perform to learn about the robot.
- Programs illustrating motor control, sensor control, and experiments for each system of the robot. This is essentially a tour of the operation of the TJ to introduce you to all its features.
- Application software for the robot systems and testing. These programs allow you to tie together all the systems you've learned about in the experimental part of the manual.
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